of Staff Cane Passion

of Staff Cane Passion Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Chiots nés le 28/05/2010 disponibles à partir du 25/07/2010

Les chiots

Flower power of staff-cane passion
Flower power of staff-cane passion Flower power of staff-cane passion

Flower power of staff-cane passion

Chiot n°247581 chiens-de-france

800 €

Femelle réservée

Furious of staff-cane passion
Furious of staff-cane passion

Furious of staff-cane passion

Chiot n°247579 chiens-de-france

1200 €

Mâle vendu

Furia of staff-cane passion

Furia of staff-cane passion

Chiot n°247580 chiens-de-france

1200 €

Femelle vendue

Freedom of staff-cane passion
Freedom of staff-cane passion Freedom of staff-cane passion Freedom of staff-cane passion Freedom of staff-cane passion

Freedom of staff-cane passion

Chiot n°247578 chiens-de-france

1200 €

Mâle vendu

Fatale love of staff-cane passion

Chiot n°247582 chiens-de-france

800 €

Femelle vendue

Fire of staff-cane passion
Fire of staff-cane passion Fire of staff-cane passion Fire of staff-cane passion Fire of staff-cane passion

Fire of staff-cane passion

Chiot n°247583 chiens-de-france

1200 €

Femelle vendue

First of staff-cane passion dite faya
First of staff-cane passion dite faya First of staff-cane passion dite faya First of staff-cane passion dite faya

First of staff-cane passion dite faya

Chiot n°247584 chiens-de-france

1200 €

Femelle vendue

Informations sur la portée

chiot Staffordshire Bull Terrier of Staff Cane Passion

Les parents

Affixe of Staff Cane Passion
Race Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Annonce créée le 28/05/2010
Portée inscrite sur un livre des origines ? Oui
Date de naissance 28/05/2010
Mâle 2
Femelle 5
Identification de la mère Puce : 250269602287694